Annak érdekében, hogy Önnek a legjobb élményt nyújtsuk "sütiket" használunk honlapunkon. Az oldal használatával Ön beleegyezik a "sütik" használatába.




The last partner meeting of the ENGaGE project took place on the 16th January, 2020 in Miskolc. Nearing the end of the project, the partnership discussed the achievements of the past period: the teacher training events in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, and the related feedback from the partipants; the piloting of the ENGaGE Task Bank and ways of collecting and summarising responses on the process, as well as the remaining work on the Task Bank itself.



The fourth partner meeting of the ENGaGE project took place in Lancaster from the 11th-12th of July 2019. We reviewed the materials of the ENGaGE Task Bank and discussed the feedback from the initial piloting of the material in Italy and the first multiplier conference in Brno. Plans and procedures have been finalised for the teacher training event and the pilot in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.


The third partner meeting of the ENGaGE project took place in Warsaw from the 14th-17th of November 2018. The main aim of this meeting was to review the first digital sample materials available on the Screenager platform, and make arrangements for developing and conducting the 15-hour Teacher Training Programme, which supports teachers wanting to try the ENGaGE Task Bank in their teaching practice.



At our second meeting in Brno we introduced the ENGaGE curricula and the first 4 thematic blocks. We discussed the expert reviews and agreed on some new principles incorporating aspects of task-based learning and screenager compatibility for the second round of materials development. Photos from the meeting are below.

Brno meeting (13-15 April 2018)



Periodically, ENGaGE gathers together members to discuss progress on our common project. The first such event was in the kick-off meeting in Szeged, Hungary on the 30th-31st October 2017. Photos from the meeting are available here.