Annak érdekében, hogy Önnek a legjobb élményt nyújtsuk "sütiket" használunk honlapunkon. Az oldal használatával Ön beleegyezik a "sütik" használatába.


Teacher training workshop in Brno, Czech Republic

Ailsa Randall and Michaela Sojková Šamalová leading a workshop on how to use the ENGaGE materials with Czech teachers from around the country at the No Limits Conference in Přerov Association of Teachers of English of the Czech Republic.


Teacher training event in Miskolc, Hungary

Now that the new academic year is approaching, we have launched the ENGaGE Teacher Training Programme for a team of enthusiastic teachers interested in piloting the ENGaGE Task Bank. The Teacher Training Programme is offered in the form of a blended course, which starts with an online module on the background to dyslexia, followed by the content event focusing on techniques for developing the L2 skills of dyslexic learners and the benefits of digital technology can offer. The last two modules offering input on intercultural project work, inclusion and differentiation are also to be completed online. The course is hosted by the ENGaGE Classroom platform, through which the participants can experience  the potential of a virtual learning environment.

The Teacher Training Programme in Miskolc, Hungary has 20 participants, who will pilot the ENGaGE Task Bank in 9 schools in different parts of Hungary including Budapest, Miskolc, Görömböly, Nyékládháza, Jánoshalma, and Zalaegerszeg. The workshops were conducted by Prof. Judit Kormos (Lancaster University), Dr. Ágnes Magnuczné Godó and Dr. Tünde Paksy (University of Miskolc). The participants shared a lot of personal experience and expertise, and discussed the potential of the materials and their ideas of integrating them into their practices. It was an enriching experience for all of us – we had a great time together.