Annak érdekében, hogy Önnek a legjobb élményt nyújtsuk "sütiket" használunk honlapunkon. Az oldal használatával Ön beleegyezik a "sütik" használatába.

The University of Miskolc is the educational and research centre of Northeast Hungary. Once a technical university, it has grown into a complex, modern tertiary training institution with eight faculties, a teaching and research staff of 598, and 9433 students.


The Faculty of Arts was established in 1992 and over the years, besides its extensive research activities, it has developed a strong teacher training profile. It currently runs double major teacher training courses and MA-level teacher training courses involving 12 subject areas. Its special focus is the pedagogy of inclusion, and the Faculty of Arts has initiated a variety of supportive actions in this direction, including supporting small schools in the region with a significantly high SD learner population, and integrating inclusion as a priority into teacher training courses. The Faculty has successfully completed one national  and three EU-financed projects aiming to integrate innovative practices improving the education of SD learners into teacher training, produce materials for teaching Hungarian as a Second Language to migrant and Hungarian – largely Roma – learners who have restricted competence in Hungarian, and improve the educational chances of SD learners through awareness raising and digital innovation.

To coordinate pedagogical research and training activities, the University of Miskolc established the Complex Instruction Programme Centre in 2015. The Centre’s main objective is to foster inclusive education, conduct and disseminate research on improving the educational opportunities of SD learners, and initiate innovation in teacher training.

Participating staff

Dr. Ágnes Magnuczné Godó

Dr. Renáta Kriston

Dr. Erika Kegyesné Szekeres

Dr. Harry Edward Bailey

Dr. Marianna Bazsóné Sőrés

Dr. Gabriella Bikics

Dr. Irina Golubeva

Dr. Mária Illésné Kovács

Viktória Kopaszné Láng

Dr. Tünde Paksy

Dr.Judit Szabóné Papp

Julia Váraljai

