Annak érdekében, hogy Önnek a legjobb élményt nyújtsuk "sütiket" használunk honlapunkon. Az oldal használatával Ön beleegyezik a "sütik" használatába.

The University of Szeged is ranked 550th in the world, and 234th in Europe, and first for National Excellence.  The university has  students from 62 countries all over the world.  Its institutional and intellectual history goes back to 1581, when the Academia was founded in Kolozsvar (Cluj, contemporary Romania). In the year 2000, all universities and colleges were integrated into one educational institution, the University of Szeged. Today, the University comprises 12 faculties with 2,300 faculty members, 7,000 employees and 23,000 students. It has 600 undergraduate training programmes and more than 100 PhD programmes in 19 PhD schools.


The priorities of the Teacher Training Faculty  include curriculum development for both typical students and students with dyslexia and other learning difficulties. Extensive research has been conducted on the neurological bases of speech disorders, as well as teachers’ practices and difficulties in teaching foreign languages to learners with learning difficulties.   The findings have been integrated into a series of teaching resources and pedagogical training materials.

Participating staff

Dr. Valéria Juhász

Dr. György Scheibl

